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Low Back Pain Relief

Scientific research has proven that chiropractic corrective care can significantly decrease low back pain by removing neurological interference and restoring proper biomechanics to the lumbar spine.

Here are the results:

  • Decreased low back pain significantly
  • Improved lumbar spine range of motion
  • Decreased muscle spasms and inflammation
  • Decreased medication consumption
  • Reduced medical expenses and work days missed
  • Reduced possibility of low back surgeries and injections
  • Improved quality of life

In closing: There is an urgent problem facing our community where families are being compromised due to misinformation about health. Americans have never been as sick, diseased, or symptomatic as we are today. There are an endless amount of people who are suffering, who have been through the ringer and have tried anything and everything to no avail.

Schedule an appointment to talk to our doctor about how chiropractic may be able to help you take your health to the next level.


Low back pain: Comparison of chiropractic and hospital outpatient treatment. (1990). Bmj. 300 (6740), 1647-1650.

Tettambel, M., (2012). Is Spinal Manipulation an Effective Treatment for Low Back Pain? Yes: Spinal manipulation is a Useful Adjunct Therapy. Am Fam Physician. 15;85 (8):760-762.

Sanders G.E., Reinert O., Tepe R., Maloney P. (1990). Chiropractic adjustive manipulation subjects with acute low back pain: visual analog pain scores and plasma beta-endorphin levels Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 13(7) 391-395.


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